Rosé Nov21


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While I’ve never been a big fan of the music video genre, I have done my fair share, mostly because of how often they are requested. This particular piece was a project for class and was completed in less than six hours.

It was on a train ride home from work when I heard Rosé, by The Feeling, and I immediately knew that this was the song I was going to do. The vocalist sings entirely out of the left speaker, giving the song an already unique sound. As the song progresses, the vocals fill with accompaniment and harmony flowing from both the right and the left.

Being a love song, I felt that it would be appropriate to have the main character singing directly into the camera, as if to the woman he loves. Also, because it is from one man’s heart, I decided to keep it more intimate by having the single character singing the accompanying parts. In the end, Rosé practically wrote itself.

While the concept isn’t entirely unique, it is the first time I have done anything quite like it. The challenge was more in the filming of the project than the editing. If I could have sung each part perfectly the first time, I wouldn’t have taken nearly as long. By the end, I sang each part over four times and accumulated over hour and a half of footage. I then painstaking went through every second and found the best takes to compile into the final piece.